Minneapolis Photographer

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Coastal Maine Engagement Session | Maine Wedding Photographer

Kristy and Kyle’s engagement story is such a fun one! But before I get into all that, I have to tell you the story of my friendship with Kristy. We met probably five years ago in a Facebook group run by another newborn photographer. I was in the group by chance. I didn’t even photograph newborns. Kristy is big in the newborn world (you’ve gotta check out her work!).

We didn’t even talk much in that group but when I decided to get started with newborn photography, I knew she was who I wanted to learn from. I’m not into props and fake sets for babies (no shade to those who do, it’s beautiful too, just not for me) and Kristy’s minimalist style really appealed to me. As we started working together, an instant friendship formed. I flew out three years ago to her studio in Bethel, Vermont to do in person learning and photograph and video her work for her own use. Since then, she’s become one of my besties who I talk to at least weekly.

Social media can be such a force of all things that are gross, but it can be so beautiful too. And our friendship is a real life example of that. Without Facebook we’d have never met or even known about one another. Okay so onto my recent trip out east where we met up in Maine to shoot. It was so fun and I’m definitely ready to get back there.

This was a total last minute trip. I planned it just a few weeks out I think. Same day COVID test to travel. Days full of rain. It was freezing cold! I was hungry and un-caffeinated which is a combo no one wants to know about. But five minutes after sitting down to breakfast the downpour turned into a drizzle so we ran outside to capture these beautiful portraits under dark overcast skies and cold COLD rain.
